Art is Art and Water is Water

December 17, 2009

December Game: SOKOBAN

Filed under: Month Games — foone @ 8:55 pm


So I technically didn’t start this today, but when I started coding last week I didn’t get anywhere and the first thing I did today was to just delete it all.
It’s a simple game and the code is pretty simple too, but my reason for doing it is I wanted to design it backwards from how I usually do games. Instead of starting with graphics and
technical details (setting up pygame or whatever), I wrote it gameplay first. I started trying to describe the rules of Sokoban in the simplest possible code, coding to an imaginary API
for tile-based games. Then when I was happy with how that worked, I wrote the implementation of the API I had described in the game module.

It worked pretty much when I first ran it (other than a typo where I had left off “self” on one constructor call, which was kinda surprising for a game by me. I tend to iterate like crazy:
1. Start with my PyGame template
2. Make a change to make it more like a game
3. Run it.
4. If it crashes or looks wrong, make a quick fix and go to #3 .If it runs, go to #2

This may explain why I have so many problems with making games.

(PS: I did fail at November game)

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